GDPR – Will it apply to your business?
This is the first in a series of articles about changes in data protection law in the UK coming in to force as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR will replace much of the UK law regarding data protection. From 25th May 2018 GDPR comes in to force in the UK. This article aims to answer the question – will it apply to your business?
GDPR will apply to businesses covered by EU law. This might mean a business established in the EU but also could be a business not established in the EU but that offer services to individuals within the EU whether these services are free or paid for. It will also include any business that monitors EU residents’ behaviour.
There are some general exceptions:
• If the activity the business is doing is outside the scope of EU law
• If the activity relates to national security matters
• If the activity is conducted by a natural person, purely in the course of personal or household activity
• If the activity falls under a permitted national exception
Any further exception might apply under the permitted national exceptions once the Data Protection Bill is passed by Parliament and been signed into law – the latest information about the Bill’s passage and its contents can be found on the link below.
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